Rosinalva Farias dos Santos – Arapiraca (AL)
When I started doing this project, I felt like a little bird flying, not knowing where to land … But, from there, I saw that it was not the way I was thinking. I started to understand after the mapping, which was a very important job, because then I was able to understand what Tô na Rede is. We went out interviewing each person, and then I saw the importance of this research, to discover wonderful people … I saw the look of each one, the joy they had in receiving us and talking about their work, this is very significant. After all, I felt like a person with more knowledge, knowing how to work and being able to take everything I learned to my students. Tô na Rede was the best course I did, and knowing that our professionals cared about our work made all of us look different. For me, it was really the best course I did – I learned wonderful things, thanks to all of you.